02 6024 2292

193 Melbourne Road, Wodonga VIC 3690

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193 Melbourne Road, Wodonga VIC 3690

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Concrete Cutting Saw STIHL TS800 16″

The most powerful Cut-Off Saw in the STIHL range for cutting metal, concrete and asphalt in commercial applications. Extremely long filter service life and increased service intervals thanks to its innovative long-life air filter system with cyclone air routing. Can be operated by hand or together with an FW 20 cart. This high powered cut off saw powerfully and easily cuts up to 150mm deep. Its low weight, anti vibration and wrap around loop handle makes for comfortable cutting in any working position on many materials including pre-fab concrete, natural stone, pipes and asphalt. Perfect for pro use in building and road construction, civil engineering, landscape architecture, council maintenance, fire departments and emergency services.

Hire Rates (including GST)

Half Day $130
Day $160
Weekend $220
Week (5 Days) $670

Concrete Cutting Saw STIHL TS800 16″


Stihl Demo Saw Trolley

  • Day $33

